Home Authors Posts by Silvia Tortiglione

Silvia Tortiglione

Studentessa di Lettere, ho scritto per alcune testate online e credo, come Victor Hugo, che la realtà si trovi a metà strada fra il sublime e il grottesco.

Giochi horror gratis per pc

Giochi horror gratis, possibile? Assolutamente sì e non stiamo parlando di titoli con cui divertirsi online, ma di vere e proprie perle scaricabili gratuitamente....

Diabolus in Musica and the Devil’s Tritone – the forbidden chord

Diabolus in Musica (The Devil in Music), also known as Tritone, is a musical interval with a three-tone pause between one note and another....

Diablo Swing Orchestra – the heirs of the cursed orchestra.

Diablo Swing Orchestra is a Swedish metal group that combines the aggressive sound of the genre with the festive atmosphere of the '20s. If...

Celebrated Crimes by Alexandre Dumas: from The Three musketeers to crime...

The Celebrated Crimes are a corpus of eighteen stories written by Alexandre Dumas. From the adventure novel, the father of the Count of Montecristo...

Bram Stoker only wrote Dracula? – The forgotten works of Gothic...

Bram Stoker has enchanted millions of readers worldwide with the legend of the fearsome Count Dracula. What other treasures does the Gothic master hide...

Femme Fatale: 7 songs about dark women and murderers

Femme Fatale: lovers, sisters, friends, possessed by demons and obsessed with love. The woman tears up the prison of the stereotype that saw her...

Carducci’s Hymn to Satan: the dark side of literature

Hymn to Satan
Giosuè Carducci, an author often - and erroneously - presented as the spokesman of classical and pedantic literature, sparked off many controversies with the...