Tag: curiosities
The true story of Freddy Krueger
Freddy Krueger is one of the beloved villains of the cinema and by far my favorite. Protagonist of the saga "A Nightmare on Elm...
Iron Mask – the royal riddle
An enigma that has lasted since 1703, Italy, France and Paris are the backdrop to one of the most intricate and complex events in...
6 ways to spot a serial killer
When a serial killer is arrested it is not uncommon to hear from family, friends and neighbours that "he seemed like a good person"....
Jessica Leonard, the (former) world’s fattest girl
I'm sure you've happened to see a gif with this kid somewhere on the web. What you may not know is that the protagonist...
Woman has sex with a dolphin, they separate them and he...
Sex with a dolphin? Dolphins committing suicide? What are you saying?
Yes. Dolphins have the ability to commit suicide and there are women (or at...
Crinoline – a fashion that has cost the lives of 40,000...
Crinoline is a cage-like structure that used to sit under skirts to support them and make them wider. This fashion, however, cost the lives...
Incubi e succubi, alla scoperta dei demoni del sonno
Incubus and Succubus are sleep demons. They can infest both men and women, but while the Succubus absorb, the Incubus release. For centuries there...
Lina Medina, 5 Years Old: The Youngest Mother in the World
There is plenty of strange medical cases in human history: some of them have very well documented evidence, while some are borderline between history...
Sharkur Lucas: My Job Is to Have Sex with Corpses
About a year ago, Sharkur Lucas took part in a talk show. During the interview, which was broadcast live, he admitted having sex with...
Scraping of the eyes in China
The customs of other countries can sometimes seem strange, funny or disturbing. Disturbing is one custom of some parts of Asia, such as China...
Enumclaw horse sex case: dead after sex with horse
Bestiality (or rather, zooerasty) is the human practice of having sex with animals. It is not legal in many states but there are many people...
The human zoos
In the twenty-first century there are now many people who consider zoos extremely cruel: remove wild animals from their habitats and put them on...