Home Authors Posts by Sara Gamannossi

Sara Gamannossi

Mi chiamo Sara, ho ventun'anni e sono nata a Firenze. Dall'età di 10 anni, più o meno, la scrittura mi ha sempre accompagnata come una delle mie più grandi passioni, ho partecipato a diversi contest e ad un corso di scrittura creativa promosso dalla scuola Parola.

Grimm – what would the world look like if fairy tales...

Starting in 2011, producers David Greenwalt and Jim Kouf launched a new television series inspired by the stories of the Grimm brothers. The NBC...

Utburd – the sad story of “exposed” children

According to Scandinavian legends, the name Utburd comes from ancient Norwegian, meaning "exposed" or "taken out". The term was used to indicate the ghosts...

Brenda Spencer’s bloody Monday

Brenda Spencer, at just sixteen years old, was the author of a shooting remembered as the first American school shooting of the modern age....