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Cursed and killer dolls- 7 creepy songs

Cursed dolls and puppets. Much of the horrific, cinematic and literary production has taken its cue from these toys to give life to stories...

Dawn of the Black Hearts, Black Metal between gore and mythology

Can the cover of an album take on a strongly macabre outline until it reaches unprecedented levels of gore? The answer is yes and...

Diabolus in Musica and the Devil’s Tritone – the forbidden chord

Diabolus in Musica (The Devil in Music), also known as Tritone, is a musical interval with a three-tone pause between one note and another....

Femme Fatale: 7 songs about dark women and murderers

Femme Fatale: lovers, sisters, friends, possessed by demons and obsessed with love. The woman tears up the prison of the stereotype that saw her...