Tag: history
Project MK-ULTRA
The years of the "Cold War", which see the United States of America and the Soviet Union in opposition, are a sort of bottomless...
Iron Mask – the royal riddle
An enigma that has lasted since 1703, Italy, France and Paris are the backdrop to one of the most intricate and complex events in...
Madame LaLaurie, the macabre side of the American aristocracy
New Orleans is, without a doubt, one of the most characteristic cities in the United States of America. Beating heart of the State of...
Helen Duncan, the war “witch”: the case of HMS Barham
When we talk about "witch-hunting", the memory and the collective imagination run to an ancient past made of tortures, burning at the stake, death...
The Jameson affair: cannibalism and the heir of the whiskey
Jameson Whiskey is one of the most famous and sold in the world, but on the name of the Scottish family who founded the...
Femina Accabadora – Our Lady… of the Hammer
The ritual of the Accabadora was a bloody, tragic ritual in use in Sardinia, Italy, until a few decades ago. It was "necessary" to...
Devil’s letter deciphered thanks to the deep web
The devil's letter is a mystery that has fascinated scholars from all over the world since 1600. But thanks to the efforts of some...
Nsala and Boali and the atrocities of Congo Free State
The photo you see above dates back to 1904 and portrays Nsala, a Congolese man. But what is he looking at with such a...
Crinoline – a fashion that has cost the lives of 40,000...
Crinoline is a cage-like structure that used to sit under skirts to support them and make them wider. This fashion, however, cost the lives...
Celebrated Crimes by Alexandre Dumas: from The Three musketeers to crime...
The Celebrated Crimes are a corpus of eighteen stories written by Alexandre Dumas. From the adventure novel, the father of the Count of Montecristo...