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Amante dell'horror, del mistero e del macabro sin da bambina, ha deciso di creare questo sito per tutti gli appassionati di horror e macabro. Crea per i suoi lettori articoli unici che rende disponibili in questo sito e nel relativo canale youtube, per veri appassionati del genere.

Giorgio William Vizzardelli, the Italian killer who liked Al Capone

Giorgio William Vizzardelli, also known as the killer of Sarzana, was a serial killer who became the youngest lifer in Italian history. Vizzardelli killed 5...

Scraping of the eyes in China

The customs of other countries can sometimes seem strange, funny or disturbing. Disturbing is one custom of some parts of Asia, such as China...

The monster of Dusseldorf

The monster of Dusseldorf, or the Vampire of Dusseldorf, was a serial killer active in the city of Dusseldorf in the late '20s. I must...

The cold water ordeal – water cure

The ordeals were physical tests, in the past, which those accused of various crimes, mostly witchcraft and adultery, had to overcome so they might...

Cindy Collier and Shirley Wolf: killing is fun

Cindy Collier and Shirley Wolf are two teenagers who, in the summer of 1983, decide to kill someone to steal a car. They know they...

Anders Breivik: kills 77 people to rid Europe of immigrants

Anders Behring Breivik was the architect of the attacks of 22 July 2011 in Norway. He carried out two attacks killing 77 people in...

Zoo in Chile killed two lions to save a man

Last Saturday in the zoo of the Chilean capital, two lions were killed to save a man who had deliberately gone into their cage,...

The Exorcism of Earling: the true story of Anna Ecklund

The Exorcism of Earling is not as famous as that of Anneliese Michel, but it sure is just as terrifying. This exorcism inspired the movie...

The Devil’s score of Lucedio

The Principality of Lucedio is located in the province of Vercelli and is now a winery. During the seventeenth century, however, it seems that this...

Marnie-Rae Harvey: the girl crying blood

Marnie-Rae Harvey is an English girl suffering from an unknown syndrome. She not only cries blood, but suffers from blood loss from the ears, nails...

Roland Doe: the true story behind the movie “The Exorcist”

Roland Doe (sometimes called Robbie Mannheim) is the name that was given to a boy who underwent an exorcism in the US during the...

10 bizarre religious cults around the world

Lately there is much talk about religion and some of the biggest problems of modern societies are linked to religion itself. Many wars have been...